Sunday, January 29, 2012

It Works!

Now I can serge the fabric I cut!
Those of you who have been following this blog are acquainted with my love-hate relationship bad attitude toward my mini serger.  Yes, it's as cute as can be, but the darn thing refused to work.  This new development falls squarely into the "it doesn't take much to make me happy" category.  The serger is now WORKING!  And I will give all of the credit to Mark, who seems to somewhat enjoy getting things fixed with a great deal of patience.  I was pretty much done with the thing and ready to toss it or sell it for parts, but he sat at my craft table yesterday and got the chain going after discovering that the needle had been put in wrong.  Not by me.  The former owner gets all the blame for that.  So it was up to me to try it out and TA-DAA! 

I used my Friday day off to do some stitching and watching some vintage Project Runway (season 2).  I know.  It's kind of pathetic.  But I did get my Seasonal Sampler finished!  It was a nice change of pace stitching on this giant (10 count) fabric, but it did make it a little difficult for my eyes to re-adjust to stitching on 30 count.  Cute finish though.  I need to find a nice square frame for this one. 

In my ongoing quest to get the craft room organized, I finally went through the chart collection.  I must have done a good job because I weeded out about 20 charts.  These are ones I either have stitched in the past or ones that I know I'll never stitch.  I don't even remember where I got some of them.  But during the process, I got to look at each chart I own and made some decisions about where in the stitching lineup they are.  As for the charts I'm done with -- should I do a giveaway?  Put them up for sale?  This is something I'll have to decide soon. 
These are the ones that are going!

Lastly, here's a photo of Cosmo, while he was watching me type up this post. 


  1. Remember your friend in VA when getting rid of your charts.

  2. Yay! Glad you got it working :)

    Love it when cats creep on you.

  3. Cosmo is so cute, reminds me of my dads cat Big Bertha such a cutie
